general · linux – 

Notes to self: nginx Piwigo rewrite rules

This was inspired by this forum thread on the Piwigo forums. Set up rewrite rules in nginx where “piwigo” is the path the gallery lies in:
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general · kde · linux · opensuse – 

Unlocking KWallet with PAM

Requests to unlock KWallet automatically on login (assuming the wallet password and user password are the same), like gnome-keyring can do, have been going on for years: in fact, bug reports requesting this feature are quite old.  Recently, thanks to the efforts of Alex Fiestas, a PAM module, which interfaces KWallet to the system authentication methods, has been developed. In parallel, the necessary glue code has been also added to the various parts of the KDE workspace so that it could make use of it.
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kde · linux · opensuse – 

KDE:Current and 4.13 packages for openSUSE

This is a guest post by Raymond “tittiatcoke” Wooninck, with contributions from myself and Hrvoje “shumski” Senjan
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kde · opensuse – 

Being Current

It is not news that openSUSE, through to the effort of the openSUSE community KDE team, offers several third-party repositories for those who want the latest software from KDE. Since a while, stable releases were offered in the KDE:Release:4x repositories, created with every major release of KDE software. These were meant to offer the latest and greatest to the users without having them to track KDE:Distro:Factory, which is instead used to track packaging for the next openSUSE release and is more in a state of flux.
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kde · linux · opensuse – 

4.13 Beta 1 Workspaces, Platform and Applications for openSUSE: start the testing engines!

Yesterday KDE released their first beta of the upcoming 4.13 version of Workspaces, Applications and Development platform. As usual with the major releases from KDE, it’s packed with a lot of “good stuff”.  Giving a list of all the improvements is daunting, however there are some key points that stand out:
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kde · linux – 

An expedition in the QML realm

Among the different widgets I use on my desktop, there is a small one which tells me my current public IP address. The reason I’m having it is due to the fact that my own ISP uses a NAT for almost all its customers (don’t ask - long story) and so I need to keep tabs on my current IP, because it may have been blacklisted, and so on.
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kde · linux · opensuse – 

8 months with KDE and openSUSE - looking back after the 13.1 release

And so, finally openSUSE 13.1 is out of the door (I couldn’t celebrate like I wanted, as I’ve been very busy). This release has lots of improvements, and of course, the latest stable software from KDE. It is time (perhaps?) to look back and see what the team has done during this development cycle.
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