Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Final Fantasy XI”
PM6-4 redux
Back, and movies
FFXI-URUSHI-Chaos: 01-02-03
For a change, my brother has found a place ( that sells dojinshi even to non-Japanese people, and also found three non-hentai Final Fantasy XI dojins, which I’m going to cover in this post. For reference, they are available with these prices:
FFXI-URUSHI-Chaos: 01 - ¥ 735;
FFXI-URUSHI-Chaos: 02 - ¥ 735;
FFXI-URUSHI-Chaos:03 - ¥ 945.
Wings of the Goddess "opening"
Dancer... dancing
Wings of the Goddess - first impressions
[]({{ site.url }}/images/2007/11/pol-2007-11-30-14-56-28-86.png)
Finally my copy of Wings of the Goddess has arrived. It was just a matter of putting the DVD in the drive and let install the measly 350+ Mb of update (rather low for a DVD). As usual, Square Enix’s installation program is greedy with regards to information. Once it was installed, I enabled the expansion in PlayOnline and was good to go (save a 20,000+ file check).
Cavernous Maws
Final Fantasy XI windowed mode
And so, with yesterday’s update, FFXI has gained a windowed mode. This has been a much-requested feature from the playerbase, especially from people who didn’t want to use the “unofficial” windower.
However, being the first major touch to the rendering engine, I think something got broken along the way. Mainly, I’m talking about a 20% performance drop of the engine (which didn’t shine before, but that’s another matter).
Wings of the Goddess - the details emerge
New Wings of the Goddess trailer
Idiocy at its maximum
Yesterday I got word that the FFXI Encyclopedia, a wiki that I often go to read up on information and occasionally contribute, had been defaced. Apparently someone named “Taj” had hijacked the administrator account to change the main page to a short, anger-filled post that pointed to a discussion to the web site of Taj’s linkshell, the extremely famous “Urdr of the Blue Gartr”.
Treasures of Aht Urghan Mission 44
At last, I’ve made it! Last Wednesday my group took on the last mission of this expansion, “Nashmeira’s Plea”. I was expecting something as tough as Dawn from Chains of Promathia, but that wasn’t the case.
Treasures of Aht Urghan Mission 42
It’s been a while since the update hit the servers, but I couldn’t get my static party up and in shape until last Wednesday. We had already done the introductory cutscenes, and we prepared for the fight (a Blue Mage and several Imperial Gears). My party was made up by Eithin (White Mage), Sechs (Puppetmaster), Necronemesi (Ranger), Mitsuashi (Red Mage) and Daman (Black Mage).
New details on WoTG
ToAU Mission 35 - take 2
On Wednesday we tried Mission 35 again and this time was a success. Daman was not present, but we’ll do another run for him on Sunday.
Aht Urghan Mission 35 - take 1
Yesterday, at an unusual late hour, I and my group attempted the 35th mission in the Treasures of Aht Urghan line. Preparation was the matter of watching a few (very interesting) cutscenes then we were off to a BC to fight a single enemy, a ninja (the name is a spoiler, so keep on reading only if you know what you are doing).
Lifeless people
Final Fantasy XI - Wings of the Goddess
The behavior of some people in FFXI is certainly excessive to say the list, with many people (especially in the “endgame” linkshells) showing an extremely arrogant and impolite attitude. I had a really nice show of that yesterday, when I went out to get a few merit points with my static group.
Treasures of Aht Urghan Missions
On Wednesday 21st I was finally able to undertake the new Treasures of Aht Urghan missions! It felt nice, since I mostly play for merit points and Dynamis now (and occasionally some action in Al’Taieu, though rare and far between).
When you call a GM...
Relic armor on mannequins is stupid
Relic 4/5
Update disappointment
Obtained: Gallant surcoat+1.
The title of the post pretty much says it all. I’ve finally been able to obtain this piece of artifact armor+1 after searching for the last item I needed for about five months.
ToAU Mission 22
Last Tuesday I assembled a group and we took on the (only) battle present in the new Treasures of Aht Urhgan update. I had to look for members, but since Besieged was going on I lost a lot of time shouting for members. In the end I managed to get a red mage and a ninja along people I had arranged to meet with.
Valor Gauntlets!
At least, after six long months of wait, I obtained a new piece of the Paladin relic set.
UPDATED: Now a movie showing the run is hosted at Google Video.
On Tuesday there was my second attempt at doing Dynamis-Buburimu with United Dynamis. My first attempt, months ago, was a sore loss because of lack of people (and lack of experience, in my opinion). This time we had close to the 36 people needed for the area, and we were much better prepared.
The Black Coffin and merits
Under Observation
New happenings on Asura
I’ve recently slowed down my rate of playing at Final Fantasy XI, mostly because the new update is scheduled for the end of the month, and I don’t have much to do nowadays. Besides, part of the people in my group are on holiday or taking breaks so I won’t get to do anything until the 28th of August or so, when I’ll be back from holidays.
The gods themselves
dist-upgrade fun, DNS, drama
Xolotl Xtrapolator
I’ve been spending a bit of my time last week to do several FFXI-related events. The most important are related to Assault, as me and my group (Eithin, Mercredi, Sechs and Billyism) managed to win all the level 1 Assaults, and therefore we got promoted to Private First Class (PFC), which sounds a little better than the lame Private Second Class. Here are also some random images from the new areas:
Treasures of Aht Urghan
Windows and Missions
Mixed entry (yet again)
Valor Coronet! Relic armor 1/5
Earlier today I logged into FFXI to do my usual Tuesday Dynamis run with the United Dynamis linkshell. I was actually quite eager to do the run, since I missed two in a row because of lack of access to the specific areas. I was also hoping to see some relic armor drop at last. While many players want certain “endgame” items, I’m focused on the Paladin relic armor and weapons.
Opo-opos and Hyppogriphs
Yesterday I was feeling bad and had a mild fever, so I didn’t go to work. I took the chance of playing a bit in Final Fantasy XI. First, a bard in our linkshell needed some items for the opo-opo crown and so I and others tried to help him to get an item that drops off Sand Diggers in Quicksand Caves. We spent a good deal of time there, but we didn’t get any.